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Newman: "Climate change" scam will enable globalist United Nations to enforce its will on humanity
By kevinhughes // 2023-12-14
For veteran journalist Alex Newman, the ongoing push for the "climate change" scam will only enable the globalist United Nations to enforce its will on humanity. "It will enable the UN to do whatever it wants without restraint – hire more police, hire more soldiers, create more courts, impose its will across the board," he told Andrea Kaye of One America News in a recent interview. "You look at every element of the agenda, including the power grab involving health [at] the UN Climate Conference last year in Egypt." Newman, the CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media, cited World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as one example of this. Tedros, who formerly led the communist Tigray People's Liberation Front in his native Ethiopia, had even compared the climate crisis to a public health crisis. "So everything they did to us during [the Wuhan coronavirus] COVID-19 [pandemic] under the guise of keeping us safe from that, they want to do to us now under the guise of keeping us safe from climate change," Newman said. "People have to understand what they are saying to truly understand how insidious this agenda is." Meanwhile, Kaye noted that the climate issue is a part of efforts by the UN, the WHO under it and the World Economic Forum (WEF) to seize control over mankind through health. Newman agreed, noting that the idea of carbon dioxide being emitted by humans is responsible for climate change aligns with the WEF's Great Reset. Another element of this climate change swindle is the so-called climate fund, to be collected via taxes on air travel or financial transactions. This will start out very small, but will eventually become huge. "If we pay enough taxes to the UN somehow, they are going to make the temperature of the planet perfect," Newman said. "From a scientific perspective, it is absolutely ludicrous. But from a totalitarian perspective, it's hard to think of anything more brilliant."

Climate fund "bribe money" for Third World kleptocrats

Meanwhile, Kaye pointed out that rich First World countries are ponying up money to give to Third World nations like Barbados to deal with extreme weather. She then asked Newman about the climate fund, whose details are still kept under wraps. He disclosed that he has been following the attempt to create this slush fund for a very long time. (Related: Matrixxx Grooove: Climate change is a MONEY LAUNDERING scheme – Brighteon.TV.) "They need to find a way to get Third World kleptocrats on board with this thing. So, they need to offer them something; think of it like bribe money," he said. "They are going to loot the middle class in America or what’s left of the middle class in America, the middle class in Europe and [in] Japan to be able to bribe the leaders of these countries – where they have been kept in poverty by the Democrats who are going to be getting this money." These "rich" political leaders will use this money to buy more limousines, hire more soldiers, put it in a Swiss bank account [and] use it to oppress their population. In exchange for this money, they will keep the people in perpetual poverty. According to Newman, this can be perfectly described as redistribution from the middle class in the West to the kleptocracy and the elites of the Third World. Kaye continued that ever since America's inception, it has given trillions of dollars to Africa and other continents. Sadly, this money always ends up in the hands of the elites, dictators and rulers – never making it to the little people. Ultimately, she remarked that this climate fund will do nothing to solve "climate change." Kaye added that if anything, this is only part of the Great Reset – which will move humanity closer to the New World Order's global domination. Follow for more news about the climate change scam. Watch the full interview between Alex Newman and Andrea Kaye below. This video is from the AMPNews channel on

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