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IMF wants governments to punish people for using "too much" energy by imposing harsh carbon taxes
By ethanh // 2023-12-11
A Bulgarian economist who works as managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wants countries around the world to punish their populations with new carbon taxes in order to "fight climate change." Kristalina Georgieva, speaking at the United Nations COP28 climate summit, talked about the importance, in her view, of imposing oppressive global carbon taxes to deter ordinary people from using "too much" energy. Even though attendees at COP28 flew in to the event on gas-guzzling jets, many of them private, while being chauffeured around in luxury automobiles and dining on the finest cuts of beef and other delicacies, Georgieva thinks normal people should have access to none of these things. "We are very keen to give the biggest possible incentive for decarbonization, which is putting a price on carbon," Georgieva said. "That price needs to go up, up, up if we are to speed up decarbonization." (Related: Back in August, Dr. John Clauser canceled a talk at the IMF after declaring climate change to be "pseudoscience.")

Carbon taxes to fund already bloated governments

Since money talks, Georgieva's next lure in her talk to convince more attendees to take her advice was to dangle the idea of carbon taxes providing more revenue for government bureaucracies. "We are a huge proponent of carbon price," she stated, suggesting that only the rich should be allowed to maintain their current lifestyles. This is what climate change is all about, after all: making poor people poorer while bloating the assets and bank accounts of the rich with all the stolen loot – oh, and "saving the planet." None of this is about the planet, of course. It is about stripping the freedoms and liberties of people, including their bank accounts and pumping more resources into the coffers of the already obscenely wealthy. "Climate change means more money for governments to expand their power and control over the way we live our lives," writes Leo Hohmann on his website. "It will provide a wonderful new excuse to reach into our pockets and rob us of our hard-earned money, then using that stolen money to hire more bureaucrats whose sole purpose will be to disrupt the middle-class lifestyle while creating new barriers for poor people seeking to rise up into the middle class." The whole point of so-called carbon taxes is to make it prohibitively expensive for normal people to live their lives. If energy becomes too expensive for the average person, which is what Georgieva and her ilk want, then normal people will no longer be able to drive gas-powered cars, heat their homes, cook on gas ranges, eat meat and fly on airplanes. "These are all things that your typical middle-class family sees not as luxuries but as everyday necessities," Hohmann adds. "If the globalists get their way, only the rich will be able to afford these things. The rest of us will be left to fend for ourselves in cold, dank little apartments, riding our bicycles to work, or catching the bus, while coming home to a dinner of meal worms and crickets." Hohmann believes that all of this will be finalized by the end of 2025 with 2024 being a "pivotal year in which a series of crises are launched aimed at getting more of us into a desperate situation." More of the latest news about the globalist push for more green tyranny can be found at Sources for this article include: