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OBEY THE GREEN: Blue states depriving rural counties of right to reject green energy community takeovers
By ethanh // 2023-12-29
California, Illinois, Michigan and New York have all passed legislation in recent days to deprive their rural farmers of the freedom to reject invasive and predatory "green" energy scams such as carbon capture pipelines. Each of these so-called "blue" states – Michigan is arguably a "purple" state since it appears as though Donald Trump may have won the state, minus the fraud, in the 2020 election – is controlled by far-left politicians who are in bed with the green energy industry. Local governments in these four left-leaning states no longer have authority over their own land when it comes to the green projects being pushed by state-level bureaucrats, many of whom have sold their souls to "renewable" energy projects involving wind and solar. By depriving rural residents of their right to just say no to green energy scams, the state-level "greenies" who control California, Illinois, Michigan and New York are pandering to corporate interests while lining their own pockets, all at the expense of their constituents. "Much of the renewables business and movement has been co-opted by big corporations" that "are spending millions" on green politics "because this is a matter of billions for them," says Edward Ring, a senior fellow at the California Policy Institute, which he also co-founded. "What we are seeing, for example, with the 'Inflation Reduction Act,' is one of the biggest gifts of money to corporations that we have ever seen in this country." (Related: Republican politicians are just as complicit as Democrat politicians in selling out Midwestern farmers to green energy scams.)

Biden's Inflation Reduction Act a pro-corporation, anti-citizen scam

Many states where rural farmers now face assault by the green industry are taking advantage of the Biden regime's Inflation Reduction Act, which exists to help multinational corporations at the expense of mom-and-pop America. All that taxpayer cash being pumped into the green economy, supposedly to fight not just inflation but also climate change, is being used to drive family farmers off their land so it can be turned into another wind or solar farm, or perhaps the next carbon capture pipeline. In California, a law was passed in June 2022 that enables state bureaucrats to bypass local restrictions on large-scale green energy projects. The plan is to achieve 100 percent zero-carbon energy generation in the Golden State by the year 2045. "The Democratic lawmakers themselves, along with a lot of Republicans even in red states, are just getting so much money from these companies," Ring says. "There is a reason we have eminent domain for some purposes, such as building pipelines and streets. Now, we have an abuse of eminent domain, and also an overriding of zoning – the problem is when you use it for something that relies on hype, without a proven and compelling public interest." Illinois' 100 percent zero-carbon energy generation pipe dream is scheduled for five years later in 2050. To make that happen, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker enacted House Bill 4412, which "prevents counties from enacting preemptive local ordinances that outright ban local wind and solar projects, hindering the state's new climate goals." Michigan's 100 percent green energy generation target is scheduled for 2040, and Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is racing to get the job done with the help of House Bill 5120, which allows the Michigan Public Services Commission to decide where large green energy projects will be built – municipal governments no longer have a say in the matter. In New York, the Office for Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) was passed in April 2020 while New Yorkers were stuck inside on COVID lockdown. That office has the power to not apply "any local law or ordinance" that is "unreasonably burdensome" for proposed green energy projects. Green energy is a scam that benefits communist China and other foreign interests at the expense of American energy independence. Learn more at Sources for this article include: