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Instagram bans BLM activist Shaun King for criticizing Israel
By ethanh // 2023-12-31
For years, Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist Shaun King has been bashing white people and calling for anti-white riots all over social media with no consequence. Then he turned to criticizing Israel and was immediately banned from Instagram. According to Facebook, another social media platform under the same Meta banner that also banned King, the decision to silence this prominent BLM voice stemmed from his "praise for designated entities." "Designated entities," in this context, means the people living in Gaza whom King has been defending on social media. According to Meta, Facebook, and Instagram, users of the latter two social media platforms who express any kind of support for the Palestinian people are to be silenced. "If you are in Israel's way, @meta clearly officially deems you as dangerous," King wrote in a post, adding that Meta's official stance on the matter is that anyone who speaks up on behalf of the people of Gaza is a threat. "If it's me. If It's Yemen. It doesn't matter ... Because to call Yemen dangerous and not Israel is WILD. And out of step with the whole world." King would go on in the offending post to write that Israel has already "slaughtered 28,000 Palestinians" and "set records on the speed of their murder." "Israel made 2 million Palestinians homeless," King continued. "Destroyed priceless artifacts, schools, mosques, churches, libraries, bakeries, and EVERYTHING you can imagine ... Blown the heads off of babies ... Caused nearly 2,000 children to lose limbs ... But somehow, YEMEN is dangerous?" (Related: Remember when BLM admitted that the purpose of its existence is to protect "black criminals?")

Former Facebook COO Sharyl Sandberg pushed Israeli government's fake "Hamas mass rape" hoax

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is Jewish, used to work alongside former Facebook COO Sharyl Sandberg, who is also Jewish. Sandberg worked directly with the pro-Israel influence network known as ATTN to push the lie that Hamas committed "mass rape" on October 7. While that lie has since been widely debunked, there is still widespread censorship taking place across social media whenever someone speaks out against the false claims that Israel has made as justification for its war on Gaza. The Israeli government has been spreading lies about Hamas baking babies in ovens, raping and murdering women, and other such shock tales in an attempt to legitimize its ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza. "Sheryl Sandburg's oily, revolting insincerity while blaming the victims for Israel's crimes is evil," one commenter wrote. "You'd better believe the willingness of Sandberg, Zuckerberg, Brin, et al., to shut down speech proves they see us as their enemy as well. Ask Sandberg, Zuckerberg, and the rest; they'll tell you it pays to have election officials, the White House, and all but maybe two members of Congress for sale." More related news about pro-Palestine censorship by Big Tech can be found at Sources for this article include: