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German military pushes more scaremongering propaganda, claiming Russia will invade Western Europe
By ethanh // 2024-01-21
The world might very well be in the throes of World War III come February, according to a German military report that smacks of scaremongering propaganda. The German military claims it is preparing for a potential attack by Russia. An unearthed German Ministry of Defense (MoD) document lays out the plan and pathway towards WWIII, which it claims will begin, possibly, with a Russian attack on NATO's eastern front, followed by the culmination of a much wider war following the United States presidential election. German newspaper Bild revealed the contents of the classified document, called Alliance Defence 2025, along with an analysis of its alarming implications. The document lays out a wargames plot involving a hybrid attack by Russia followed by an estimated escalation schedule going month by month. (Related: The American military-industrial complex is a clown show – the West will never win WWIII.)

World War III to culminate in 2025

As the timeline progresses, according to the document, it will eventually get to the point that hundreds of thousands of NATO troops have to be deployed to fight on multiple fronts by the summer of 2025. "Russia's at first covert and then increasingly overt attack on the West begins in July," reads another summarized schedule of the planned scenario. "Cyber attacks and other forms of hybrid warfare are anticipated, primarily in the Baltic states. Clashes occur, which Russia uses as an excuse to initiate large-scale military exercises on its territory and in Belarus." All of this could happen by October, the document states, assuming Russia deploys troops and medium-range missiles to Kaliningrad. "From December 2024, an artificially induced 'border conflict' and 'clashes with numerous casualties' unfold in the vicinity of the Suwalki Gap (Suwalki Corridor)," the summary further delineates. "At a moment when the United States may be without a leader for several weeks after the elections, Russia, with the support of Belarus, repeats the 2014 invasion of Ukraine but on NATO territory. In May 2025, NATO decides on containment measures, and on D-Day, NATO deploys 300,000 military personnel to the eastern flank, including 30,000 soldiers from the Bundeswehr." This "training scenario," as the document is described, presents the seemingly obvious fact that Ukraine is losing, or already has lost, the war, which means a soon confrontation with Russia in other parts of the world. Though refusing to comment on details of the document, the Germany Ministry of Defense did state that "taking into consideration all scenarios, including extremely unlikely ones, is part of daily military activity, especially in training." Sweden is also warning its citizens to prepare for a coming war with Russia, admitting the country is not at all prepared to deal with the sudden onset of an unexpected attack. "Seems like the 'West' is stuck in an experiential loop which has lasted since WW2, and these countries openly display paranoid psychosis and mental illness which negatively affects the entire civilization," one commenter scoffed at all the insanity. "They are unable to stop, conduct an overall examination of how their policies are destroying their own countries. All they can do is double down. They are unable to extricate themselves from unproductive ideological scenarios and unable to switch to a co-operative win-win stance which would allow the civilization to progress." Another wrote that the world is already experiencing WWIII, but that he believes it will not become a global "hot" war with mass destruction. What do you think? How much longer will the "new normal" last before the world is plunged into another global conflict? Find out more at Sources for this article include: