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Trump tells supporters he will "never allow" a CBDC if re-elected
By ethanh // 2024-01-22
In an apparent attempt to lure back his disenfranchised voter base following the Operation Warp Speed scandal, Donald Trump is promising to "never allow" a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), assuming he gets re-elected. Trump told a crowd of supporters in Portsmouth, N.H., that allowing a CBDC would "give the government absolute control over your money," which he described as "a dangerous threat to freedom." "We are also going to put in place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to de-bank you for your political beliefs. That will never happen while I am your president." These words from Trump were uttered just hours after Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Oh.) revealed that federal agencies have been flagging financial transactions that contain politically sensitive words like "MAGA" or "Trump." One of the ultimate tools of oppression, CBDCs have repeatedly been touted by globalists like French Central Bank deputy governor Denis Beau as "the catalyst for improving cross-border payments by enabling the build-up of a new international monetary system" – in other words, a fake, digital monetary unit that will be completely controlled by the globalists and their artificial intelligence (AI)-driven control grid. (Related: Trump just won the Iowa caucus – do you believe he will win the nomination and get elected again?)

Federal Reserve governor says CBDCs threaten freedom

Even workers at the head of the snake, in this case the private Federal Reserve central banking cartel that controls the United States "money" supply, are speaking out against the implementation of CBDCs. "In thinking about the implications of CBDC and privacy, we must also consider the central role that money plays in our daily lives, and the risk that a CBDC would provide not only a window into, but potentially an impediment to, the freedom Americans enjoy in choosing how money and resources are used and invested," said Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman at a Harvard Law School program on international financial systems last year. Another major concern with CBDCs is that they represent a war on cash, i.e., they will bring to fruition a cashless society where all transactions will occur on a managed ledger or blockchain that is devoid of privacy. For now, the general public can still make private transactions using paper and coins, if they so choose. "A cashless society is sold on the promise of providing a safe, convenient and more secure alternative to physical cash," warns Zero Hedge. "We're also told it will help stop dangerous criminals who like the intractability of cash." Another major worry with CBDCs is that they will allow private central banks like the Federal Reserve to more easily manipulate monetary policies such as negative interest rates. "But they seem to be an inevitability, as according to data from the Atlantic Council CBDC Tracker, 130 countries – representing over 98% of global gross domestic product – are exploring or developing CBDCs, marking an outsized increase from just a few years ago," Zero Hedge further reported. "They're even starting to experiment with them for international settlement ... In November, Zurich issued a CHF 100 million ($113m) digital bond via the SIX Digital Exchange – the most distinctive aspect of which is that it settles using a wholesale central bank digital currency (wholesale CBDC) issued by the Swiss National Bank (SNB)." Last year, 2024 presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. expressed his opposition to a then-Fed announcement about a new "FedNow" CBDC, calling it a "slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny." "While cash transactions are anonymous, a #CBDC will allow the government to surveil all our private financial affairs," Kennedy wrote on X. "The central bank will have the power to enforce dollar limits on our transactions restricting where you can send money, where you can spend it and when money expires." The latest news about Trump's run for the presidency can be found at Sources for this article include: