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U.S. to run out of armaments in two weeks if it embarks on a multi-faceted war with Iran, Russia, Yemen and possibly the "Republic of Texas," former Navy SEAL warns
By bellecarter // 2024-02-06
In light of recent events in Texas, where the state Governor Gregg Abbott stands firm in dodging a United States Supreme Court ruling of authorizing border patrol agents to tear down razor fences that the Texas National Guard has installed, former Navy Seal and renowned author Matt Bracken warned of a possible secession of the state from the union and return to being its very own "Republic of Texas." On top of the migrant crisis, President Joe Biden's regime likes to think of the country as "the most powerful force on Earth" as it gears up toward a multi-front war with various countries such as Iran, Russia, Yemen and other countries. "Joe Biden is still living in the 1980s or maybe, he's just living in a total fantasy land. But he still thinks America's military and the U.S. sanctions are the most powerful forces in the world," Brighteon founder and "Health Ranger Report" host Mike Adams said during a recent episode, where he had Bracken as a guest. "[Treasury Secretary] Janet Yellen thinks we can fund unlimited wars by printing money, even though we can't manufacture munitions. We're gonna have a war with Russia, Iran, China and Texas. But we would not have the capacity." The novelist agreed, adding that Russians and the other nations can surge their armaments. "If we go to war with them, we're out of all of our weapons in two or three weeks, completely out," he said a matter-of-factly. He added that Russia has extra strong missiles. "They have fired missiles at specific targets early in the war and they nailed the barracks. It's sort of like a brushback pitch by a baseball pitcher. That's a message for the Pentagon: 'You've got nothing that can stop these dudes,'" he said. The author also pointed out that Americans do not stand a chance with the sophisticated "engineering skills" of Iranians. He quoted Larry Johnson who said that attacking Iran kinetically now is the stupidest move "because it will just unite all of them and they'll forget that they hate the Ayatollah and the Crusaders. He said it would be much smarter "if we just continue to destabilize them internally, and politically, because attacking them kinetically is so stupid." In one of his books that is about to be released, entitled "Doomsday Reef," Bracken also presented a scenario about 10-15 years post-United States empire collapse, Texas and Louisiana, have supposedly freed themselves following a massive 80-percent reduction in the American population. "The recovery begins with the oil refineries because they have the latent capacity in this scenario, fuel is everything. You cannot run a modern economy. Fuel is the lifeblood," he described a chapter in his book. "General Jackson in Texas, he had the foresight to occupy the region between Galveston and Houston, which is called Texas City, and call volunteers, retired infrastructure workers, engineers, soldiers, and start rebuilding it." According to him, once the Texas militia – not the American army or the National Guard –can fuel its own boats, ships and trucks, buses and airplanes, it can then expand its control and eventually take control of all of Texas. They will declare it as a republic, without having further to do with the United States. "Texas, under the Lone Star flag, will be an independent country," he predicted based on his current analyses. (Related: TEXIT IN PROGRESS? Secession question to appear on Texas GOP primary ballot in 2024.)

The U.S. is focused on the weapon-manufacturing profit

As the two discussed how high-grade, advanced and sophisticated the weaponry of the potential United States' adversaries are, Adams brought up an important point: "It seems that the U.S. engineers build weapons to sell them to other countries and not for the goal of having effective war machines, whereas Russia and Iran build weapons to take out enemies on the battlefield." Bracken concurred, adding that the American culture is the "military-industrial intel complex," a profit-making thing. He cited the Ford aircraft carrier, the elevators and all-electric catapult systems on the floor that do not work. "And I would add that in America, we manufacture munitions to be as expensive as possible so that the money can be skimmed and distributed in kickbacks everywhere. In Russia, they say, 'How can we build artillery shells as cheaply as possible that still work?'" the Health Ranger added. According to Adams, Russia's artillery shells, which are 152 millimeters, cost about $600 per shell to manufacture. "In the U.S., 155 shells are now costing up to $10,000 per round," he said. In Russia, they also reward their engineers for discoveries. They do not take the idea of the engineer, patent it 100 different ways and figure out how to make a $10 million fighter worth a billion dollars. "They will give them the credit. [The innovator] won't become a billionaire. He is going to be on the reviewing stand, people will be clapping and saying, 'You were one great engineer and we're naming it for you.'" Read more stories related to America manufacturing armaments for profit on Watch the full episode of the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams featuring Matt Bracken below. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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