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Here's what REALLY happened on October 7 (hint: Israel is LYING)
By ethanh // 2024-04-19
On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas broke into Israel from Gaza and took Israeli innocents captive while injuring and killing others along the way. It was absolutely an act of aggression, but what stands out even more than what Hamas did that fateful day is what Hamas did not do that Israel falsely claimed it did. The investigative unit at Al Jazeera, an Arab media network that was recently banned from Israel, conducted a meticulous examination and forensic analysis of the events that actually took place on October 7. What was discovered may come as a shock to those who bought Israel's lies. The Western press has all but completely ignored these lies, pretending as though things like "babies in ovens" and "mass rapes" by Hamas actually happened. Still, the truth is leaking out no matter how hard the powers that be try to keep a lid on it. One of the first and most important things you need to know about the October 7 Hamas attack is that Israel was aware of the plot before it happened. Hamas was openly training for the attack prior to launching it and even published training videos online that anyone could view, including the Israeli government. Members of Hamas were up the night of October 6 discussing the next day's plans, but Israel did nothing to stop them, assuming it was just another training exercise. "What is extraordinary is that they don't even raise the alert level to number one," the man in the video below, journalist and author Richard Sanders, explains about Israel's anomalous response to the Hamas threat. "The most basic alert level would have made a huge difference, and they don't do that which means when Hamas bursts through the fence at 6:30 a.m., they catch many of the defenders in their beds." (Related: If full-scale war between Israel and Iran breaks out, it will unleash nuclear hell upon the world, a new simulation has found.)

Many Israelis were killed by Israel, not Hamas

Sanders maintains that Hamas was just as much surprised by Israel's lack of readiness as Israel was, expecting many of its members to die upon breaking through the fence. Even more surprising is how slowly Israel responded to the attack. There was no ground control, though Israel did launch Apache helicopters which we now know killed many Israel civilians alongside the civilians who were killed by Hamas. Israel tried to blame Hamas for all the civilian deaths, of course, but the reality is that Israel, in its scrambling to respond to the attack, ended up killing many of its own, including at the Kibbutz Be'eri where Nova festivalgoers had fled for safety. Some 27 Israeli hostages were killed by Israeli Apache helicopters while in route to being taken captive by Hamas, along with 18 other Israelis who were killed by Israeli police and army in the Kibbutzes. "You just have to look at the scale of the destruction and it's clear that 1,200 men armed with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns did not do all of this," Sanders says. On October 7, Israel also revived a supposedly-defunct procedure known as the Hannibal Directive that basically involves Israel allowing its own to be killed alongside the enemy rather than allow Israelis to be captured and held hostage. This explains the heavy Israeli death toll that day, which was erroneously blamed on Hamas. Rather than focus on the atrocities that Hamas did commit on October 7, Israel instead in the days following the attack started spreading lies about rapes, sexual assault, babies in ovens and other made-up incidents designed to enrage the world and drum up support for Israel's subsequent invasion of Gaza. A group called ZAKA that Israel utilized for body cleanup actively spread these and other rumors in the aftermath of the attack. It was later revealed that ZAKA's head was accused of child sexual assault, and the group itself was exposed for cooking its books. "It's raised an awful lot of money since October 7," Sanders says about another of ZAKA's motivations for lying about what happened that day. "These stories were clearly useful, and they were useful to the Israeli government." Another use for Israel's made-up stories about Hamas was to justify the Jewish state's response in Gaza, which as of this writing has caused more than 33,000 innocent deaths, most of them women and children. "The Israeli government and its supporters when they try to justify the brutality of the subsequent bombardment and invasion of the Gaza Strip, again and again and again what they always reference is babies and rape," Sanders explains. "If you want to dehumanize an enemy, if you want to desensitize people to the suffering that is inflicted on that enemy, then you portray them as barbarians, basically as savages, as people who are not deserving of human treatment." Again, Hamas did some terrible things on October 7 that deserve condemnation. But so did Israel, which launched a massively outsized response against innocent Gazans using October 7 lies as justification for committing crimes against humanity. The latest news about the conflict in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: