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Intolerant Zionists now controlling all on-campus speech – no defending innocent Palestinians allowed
By ethanh // 2024-04-24
Because the nation's top colleges and universities are refusing to silence student protesters who speak out in defense of the people in Gaza who are being bombed by Israel, a top Jewish rabbi is urging Jewish students to flee their campuses. Rabbi Elie Buechler of the Columbia University Orthodox Union's Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) threw a temper tantrum over his employer's refusal to ban pro-Palestine rallies from campus, having this to say to Jewish students under his influence: "What we are witnessing in and around campus is terrible and tragic. The events of the last few days, especially last night, have made it clear that Columbia University's Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students' safety in the face of extreme antisemitism, and anarchy." What Buechler is referring to here was a public protest on campus in which students in support of Palestine set up a "Gaza Solidarity Encampment," replete with tents and Palestinian flags. The protest was peaceful, and was met with a counter-protest from Jewish students who reportedly started fighting with the pro-Palestinian crowd. "It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved," Buechler continued in a rant posted to the JLIC WhatsApp group. "It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus. No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school." (Related: Iran is laughing at Israel for sending toy-like drones to attack Isfahan: "more like toys that our children play with, not drones.")

Scared Jewish students return to online learning at Columbia as Passover week begins

Having to witness other students at Columbia speak up in defense of the innocents in Gaza who are being slaughtered by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is reportedly so difficult for some Jewish students that school president Minouche Shafik announced a return back to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic"-era online learning for the time being. In order "to de-escalate the rancor and give us all a chance to consider next steps," Shafik just prior to the start of Passover week announced that all Columbia students will need to stay home to stay safe, just like during COVID. Buechler and other Zionists both in Congress and elsewhere are demanding that the police and even the National Guard be sent to Columbia to stop students from speaking up in defense of Gaza, but Shafik announced that a "working group" would be established instead to try to resolve the conflict peacefully. "We should be able to do this ourselves," Shafik said, urging "better adherence to our rules and effective enforcement measures." It is important to note that the Gaza Solidarity Encampment demonstration is fully supported by Jewish Voice for Peace, as well as by Columbia University Apartheid Divest and Students for Justice in Palestine. In other words, some Jewish students support the pro-Palestine protests that other Jewish students and leadership claim are "antisemitic." "Columbia has lost its campus," complained David Lederer, one of the Jewish counter-protestors who is really upset that pro-Palestine students are being allowed a voice on campus. "Jewish students are no longer safe on campus." In the comments at RT, someone reeled at the gall of these "shysters" who "have the gall to make themselves look like victims" when they are the ones supporting Zionist genocide in the Middle East. "If they support Zionist genocide, then they are not victims but perpetrators," this person wrote. "If they want to leave these schools, that's great. Leave! Genocide supporters must not be welcome there." The world has had enough of the international cabal of Zionism and everything it represents. Find out more at Sources for this article include: