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Conservative media now acting exactly like left-wing snowflakes in response to made-up "stabbing" of Jewish student at Yale
By ethanh // 2024-04-29
Remember just a few years back when conservatives everywhere were freaking out at people who took issue with anything Donald Trump said or did, calling them "snowflakes" and telling them to cry some more in mockery? Well, those same conservatives are today having a meltdown over the fact that not all Americans support Israel's genocide in Gaza. All over the news right now is the story of Sahar Tartak, a Jewish student at Yale University who claims she was "stabbed in the eye" by a pro-Palestine protester holding a Palestinian flag. According to Tartak's tale, the pro-Palestine marcher jammed the tip of the Palestinian flag into her eye, though when she appeared on the news Tartak showed no sign of anything being wrong with her eye. Much like the "babies in ovens" and "mass raping" lies that were spread by Israel in the aftermath of October 7, Tartak's fable aims to make those who stand in solidarity with the persecuted people of Gaza look like violent Neanderthals – but don't forget: all these horror stories so far are lies and hoaxes contrived by angry Zionists. (Related: Zionist Jews are so upset that anyone out there would dare to oppose Israel's genocide in Gaza that they have begun to sic the police on protesters who are exercising their free speech.)

Stop lying, Zionists

Despite a complete lack of evidence that anything she is saying actually took place, Tartak was given space to write a column for Bari Weiss' "Free Press" this past Sunday – either that or she had it ghostwritten for her. "I was stabbed in the eye last night on Yale University's campus because I am a Jew," Tartak's column reads. "They pointed their middle fingers at me and yelled 'Free Palestine,' and the taunting continued until a six-foot-something male protester holding a Palestinian flag waved the flag in my face and then stabbed me with it in my left eye." According to Tartak, the person who allegedly stabbed her was masked and wearing a keffiyeh. He also wore glasses and was wearing a black jacket, making him completely non-descript and unidentifiable – how convenient! Tartak's tale goes on and on and on, so in the interest of not boring our readers we will cut to the chase: she wants you and I to believe that anyone who wants Israel to stop murdering innocent women and children in Gaza is violent in the very same way against random Jews on the street. One thing the Zionists seem unable to comprehend is that just because they treat their enemies this way does not mean that everyone else behaves the same way. And yet this is how they come up with these bizarre stories, which make sense only to them and their kind. To the rest of us, nonsense like Tartak's op-ed, which was also picked up by The New York Times, Fox News and the Daily Mail online (United Kingdom) is a testament to seared consciences of those who openly and unashamedly support genocide against the enemies of "God's people" and simply can't understand how anyone could be against this. "It all goes back to the Mossad motto: 'By way of deception thou shalt make war,'" one commenter wrote about how Tartak's made-up story is part and parcel of the way Israel's top intelligence group engages in warfare against the enemies of Zionism. "What is the lesson from that? Look for the deception first before you believe what you have been told." Another wrote that he is getting pretty sick and tired of all this flagrant Jewish supremacy parading around as the victim in everything. Nobody is buying it anymore. The latest news about what will soon happen to rebellious Israel can be found at Sources for this article include: