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Op-ed: World Health Organization remains DANGEROUS despite collapse of Pandemic Treaty
By ramontomeydw // 2024-06-07
The globalist World Health Organization (WHO) remains dangerous even though its proposed Pandemic Treaty has collapsed, an op-ed warns. Brownstone Institute Senior Scholar David Bell issued this warning in a May 28 op-ed. According to him, both the WHO and its Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus "have completely divorced themselves from reality" and are "illustrating how dangerous and unfit for purpose" the global health body has become. Bell, himself a former medical officer and scientist at the WHO, pointed to Ghebreyesus' emphasis on "pandemics and the faltering agreements intended to address their risk" at this year's World Health Assembly (WHA). He wrote: "While these are watered down and the Pandemic Agreement may not even get to a vote, [Ghebreyesus'] continued justification for centering greater coordination and power at the WHO speaks volumes about the problem we face." According to the WHO director-general, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in up to 20 million additional deaths. But Bell pointed out that the global health body's policies contributed to this number. He further mentioned that the WHO's medical tyranny also caused far-reaching damage to other aspects of society. "The policies the WHO promoted closed supply lines; shut down the workplaces of tens of millions of day laborers; stopped travel and tourism income on which millions of low-income people rely; closed markets; pushed over hundreds of millions into severe poverty; [and] increased the indebtedness of nations globally." Bell also mentioned that the causes of infectious disease fatalities "predominantly revolve around poor nutrition, sanitation and supply lines for basic medicines." These aspects, which had been improving before 2020, "are now put at risk." The Brownstone Institute fellow also referenced Ghebreyesus' remarks that "the whole world was taken hostage." But in reality, the world was indeed taken hostage "by the appalling people who took over public health, used the WHO as a tool with its leadership's consent and made hundreds of billions of dollars in profit through these harms foisted on others."

Bell: World wasn't prepared for WHO's hijacking

Bell continued that the world wasn't prepared for the WHO and public health policy at large being hijacked. "Pretending that deaths from 'lockdowns' were due to COVID-19 adds to the current denial of reality," he stressed. "'Lockdown' was, and should remain, a term describing imprisonment. In public health, it has been promoted by those who ended up gaining from the COVID-19 debacle – private and corporate funders, and their followers." Bell also referenced the prevailing theory about the origins of COVID-19, which ostensibly point to a lab leak from a facility in China's Wuhan province conducting gain-of-function research. "If the world is to actually address the risk presented by a repeat of COVID-19, then it had better address its cause," he wrote. "Nothing in the texts of the proposed Pandemic Agreement or [the International Health Regulations] amendments even refers to this." "Spending tens of billions per year on a surveillance network for natural threats will impoverish millions and divert funds from diseases of far higher burden, but do nothing to address the problem of research laboratories being paid to enhance virus virulence in humans." (Related: WHO "pandemic treaty" normalizes bioweapon development and vaccine experiments, incentivizes nations to share data on "gain-of-function" research.) "We can all be relieved that the proposed pandemic texts are watered down from their egregious original versions and the Pandemic Agreement is unready for this WHA session. However, any increased coordination of power in the hands of the WHO, in its current state, is dangerous. The world has undergone enough damage in the past four years through misdirection and deliberate misinformation from an international agency that always knew better." Check out for more stories about the WHO. Watch Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree discuss the collapse of the WHO Pandemic Treaty on "The HighWire with Del Bigtree" below. This video is from The HighWire with Del Bigtree channel on

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