"Current evidence suggests that flax may be associated with decreased risk of breast cancer. Flax demonstrates antiproliferative effects in breast tissue of women at risk of breast cancer and may protect against primary breast cancer. Mortality risk may also be reduced among those living with breast cancer."These findings are extremely valuable to women, many of whom have been wrongly led to believe that the No. 1 most important step in breast cancer prevention is "early detection" via x-ray based breast screenings — as if the point is to watch and wait for the juggernaut of genetically-based cancer to unfold within their bodies, and "catch it early" if you can. Truth be told, never before have so many women been at so great a risk of unnecessary harm from breast screening, due to the millions of dollars of cause marketing propaganda that assault them year round in myriad products and services ostensibly put in place to help "raise awareness," or "raise money to raise awareness," as to why they should participate in the dangerous ritual of mammography. Ironically, and tragically, it is now firmly established (but still widely unknown) that participating in conventional breast screenings may increase breast cancer mortality, as a direct result of it generating countless cases of misdiagnosed and mistreated "cancer" in healthy women every year (1.3 million cases in the U.S. over the past 30 years). Never before have women so desperately needed an alternative path toward breast cancer prevention, beyond subjecting themselves, as a "preventive" measure, to annual or bi-annual doses of highly carcinogenic mammography radiation — a screening procedure that we now know mostly detects harmless lesions known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and that a National Cancer Institute commissioned panel recently suggested should not even be called cancer, owing to its intrinsically harmless or indolent nature. Flaxseed is actually only one of hundreds of natural foods, spices and substances that have proven anti-breast cancer activity, even among drug-resistant and multi-drug resistant breast cancer cell lines. Visit our database on natural breast cancer research to learn more, and take a look at some of the recently featured anti-breast cancer substances we have written about:
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