He undoubtedly has Parkinson’s disease, and is increasingly suffering from Parkinson’s dementia. The signs are unmistakable: -his shuffling gait -the absence of associated movements (facial expression, arm swinging). When he does swing his arms, it appears stilted – probably because his handlers have told him to swing his arms when he walks. It’s something we all do naturally, but it goes away in Parkinson’s disease -gait instability -soft voice -ON and OFF periods – times when the medication seems to be working well, and when it isn’t (also explains how a good dose of Sinemet at the right time could get him more animated) I’ve spoken to many colleagues who feel the same way about his appearance. His gait and his expressionless face (called a ‘poker face’ in the Parkinson’s literature) are quite classic.Looking at Biden’s blank expression reminded me of this classic from Robert Palmer — “The lights are on, but you’re not home:” So there is option one — Biden stays in the race and his medical condition will continue to deteriorate. Anyone who seriously thinks that Biden can stage a debate comeback in September is in need of incarceration in the nearest psychiatric ward. I will even pony up the bucks to buy you a strait-jacket with an embroidery of a Biden Presidential Seal in the front. Option two — Biden stabilizes and manages to stop pooping his pants on the campaign trail. Odds of that happening? Ukraine will conquer Russia first. Option three — Joe does not come down for breakfast (i.e., dies in his sleep) or suffers a major medical crisis before the convention. That opens a whole new can of worms. All of the money Biden raised for his campaign cannot be transferred to the eventual replacement. If Biden is dead or removed via the 25th Amendment — whether before or after the convention — say hello to President Kamala Harris. From the sounds of it, Kamala is a Dylan Thomas fan:
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.She will be doing some raging, you can bet on that. And there is a bevy of women of color ready to back her up and insist that she get a Presidential term in her own right. Does not matter that she is unpopular and unelectable. Remember, this is the party that insists there is no such thing as a biological woman. It the world of magical Democrat thinking, all Kamala has to do is identify as President and “Bingo!” She’s it. Option four — Joe drops out and there is an open convention. If you believe that Democracy Democrat-style is like a Mixed Martial Arts cage match with wrestlers from the WWF then you will be ecstatic. I propose we have all prospective candidates clad in bikinis or Speedos, fully lathered up with pig grease, and force them to wrestle to determine who gets the Presidential nod. Here is an image you will have trouble erasing from your mind — Hillary Clinton in a Brazilian thong using a figure-four head lock on Gavin Newsome. Yikes! Figure Four Head Lock Judge Napolitano and I discussed the ramifications of the U.S. political chaos on U.S. foreign policy, with special emphasis on Russia and Israel. Read more at: Sonar21.com
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