Dr. Hazan continued her research by collecting stool samples from her test patients. She observed that patients with extreme COVID symptoms had certain bacteria missing from their gut. Once again, the bacteria are none other than bifidobacteria. All that talk about the benefits of ivermectin for treating COVID are further confirmed by another amazing discovery by Dr. Hazan. She observed that taking ivermectin helps to repopulate the gut with bifidobacteria in 24 hours or less. You may not know this but ivermectin is a fermented product with a biological construct similar to that of bifidobacteria and common probiotic supplements. According to Dr. Hazan, ivermectin belongs to the same group of microbes as bifidobacteria – you can think of it like brothers and sisters in the microbiome world. This would explain why many are seeing incredible success overcoming COVID- and COVID jab-related health problems by taking ivermectin. It also explains why the establishment remains hellbent on keeping the public in the dark about ivermectin, as well as keeping it as inaccessible and unaffordable as possible. If you got "vaccinated" for COVID, you may need help clearing your body of any residual poisons and toxins. Learn more at Detox.news. Sources for this article include: Expose-News.com NaturalNews.comIS THE SPIKE KILLING GUT BACTERIA?
Babies that were Born from COVID Vaccinated Mothers who were Breastfeeding had Zero Bifidobacteria. Is the Spike Protein Killing Gut Bacteria and causing Autism in those Babies? - Dr. Sabine Hazan@SabinehazanMD pic.twitter.com/RRtrWzu6d1 — Asher Press (@AsherPress) June 2, 2023
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