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Leaked audio reveals Facebook plan to introduce brain-reading technology
By ethanh // 2021-02-02
Is Facebook trying to read your thoughts? According to words uttered during a recent company meeting, that is the plan. Mark Zuckerberg and other top executives, including chief technology officer Mike Schroepfer, previewed a sensor device that apparently has the capacity to read "neural signals coming from [the] brain, down [the] spinal cord along [the] arm, to [the] wrist." This sensor, Schroepfer further revealed, is able to detect neural signals, interpret them, and give an outside user the ability to control the device. In other words, Facebook is becoming the epitome of all things mind control. The project is birthing from a years-long secret plot by the social media giant to develop an implantable neural device that will one day allow Facebook users to type messages and share posts with just their minds. Facebook has purchased a neural interface startup called CTRL-Labs that has already developed an experimental wristband that allows users the ability to operate computers simply by thinking. In a 2019 post announcing its acquisition of CTRL-Labs, head of Facebook Reality Labs Andrew Bosworth claimed that the wristband can "decode" neural signals and "translate them into a digital signal your device can understand." "It captures your intention so you can share a photo with a friend using an imperceptible movement" or by "intending to," Bosworth insists. Earlier that same year, Facebook announced details about a separate thought-reading headset that can supposedly interpret speech from brain signals with 61-76 percent accuracy. Facebook is also heavily involved in developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can allegedly translate thoughts to text in real time by analyzing people's brain waves. "The AI had an error rate that was as low as 3 percent," reports LifeSiteNews.

Facebook, Tesla and the rest of Big Tech are leading the way into a cashless new world order

Leaked audio from December reveals Schroepfer admitting that Facebook already uses AI to censor "offensive" users and remove upwards of 95 percent of "hate speech." "Our investments in technology aren't just about keeping our services running," Schroepfer was heard stating. "We are paving the way for breakthrough new experiences that, without hyperbole, will improve the lives of billions." When Schroepfer said this, Facebook was suffering from a massive blow to its image, having recently paid out a $550 million settlement in a class-action suit about its illegal collection of biometric data through facial recognition. Facebook was also caught conspiring with the Democrats to throw the 2020 election for Joe Biden and other leftists. Other tech giants that are venturing into neural technology include Microsoft, which has developed a patented cryptocurrency system that incorporates wearable sensors capable of tracking users' brain waves. Neuralink, which was developed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, is hoping to go even further with implantable computer chips that Musk claims will be able to treat neural disorders. Many others will likely follow suit, as the long-predicted mark of the beast will constitute this type of implantable tech. As you can probably tell, these are the tech platforms that will be in charge of the cashless new world order, which is being birthed from the destruction of the old world system, stock market and all. "The antichrist will not be recognized for who he is until it's too late," warns one LifeSiteNews commenter about where all of this is headed. "Jesus is coming for His people." "The antichrist will use AI to monitor everyone, along with the mark of the beast, the microchip in your hand or forehead," wrote another, speculating on the true intent behind the advent of AI technologies. More related news about Facebook can be found at Sources for this article include: