The VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein particles in acts of terrorism to perpetuate the plandemic
In retrospect, it now seems obvious:
The virus is nearly harmless, but the spike protein it carries is the "payload," and the spike protein is extremely dangerous.
To initiate the plandemic, the vaccine deep state likely
released spike protein particles in New York City. And to perpetuate the plandemic, they've put spike protein particles into the vaccines -- all admitted -- and are now injecting people with deadly, weaponized protein particles that cause blood clots and deaths.
The vaccine industry is now resorting to bioterrorism as its primary business model.
The upcoming "booster shots" are designed to keep the spike protein in circulation, making sure people continue to get sick so that vaccine corporations can reap more profits from the sickness and the fear. Their entire business model now requires repeated injection of human beings with weaponized protein particles that spread sickness and death. All who die will be said to have died "from covid," while all those who live will be described as having been "saved by the vaccine."
the vaccine is the pandemic. The vaccine contains the spike protein, and this fact is openly admitted by even the government of Connecticut, all the vaccine manufacturers, and the corporate-run media. They all confirm the vaccines contain the spike protein:
(See full-sized image here.)

I hosted an hour of the War Room broadcast yesterday, taking over for Owen Shroyer at InfoWars, and I explained even more:
Spike protein particles can be loaded onto drones and released over any city in America
We already know that Big Pharma manufacturers spike protein particles. They have to make them in order to insert them into the vaccines, obviously, so they have a process to mass synthesize the spike protein particles.
These same toxic particles could easily be loaded onto drones and released over any city in an aerosolized form. They could also be dumped into the water supply, sprayed onto food crops or released in crowded indoor environments such as subways, train stations or theaters.
Every person that's hit with the spike protein would be diagnosed as "positive" for covid, via PCR tests, and the media can use that to hysterically scream for more vaccines, lockdowns and masks. This means that any time the controllers want to lock down society and exterminate more people with a vaccine,
they merely have to release more spike protein particles into the city.
When oblivious people rush to the pharmacies to get vaccinated,
they are being injected with even more spike proteins, which then spread to others via transmission.
And when people get mRNA vaccines,
their bodies are turned into spike protein factories. This is all by design, and it is openly admitted by the mRNA vaccine manufacturers. They brag about how their technology directs your body to manufacture spike proteins in your own blood. This is how mRNA vaccine "work," they claim.
the vaccine industry has now turned human victims into walking biological weapons factories.
If you or I released a bucket of spike protein particles in a football stadium, we would be arrested and charged with bioterrorism. But when the vaccine industry hijacks your body's cells and transforms your entire body into a spike protein bioweapons factory, that's called "science," not bioterrorism.
We are not living in an era when "science" and "medicine" are literally functioning as bioterrorist organizations, building and releasing deadly bioweapons while even injecting them into people under the guise of "public health." This is beyond insane; it's criminally malicious. The people behind this (Gates, Fauci, etc.) all need to be arrested, charged with crimes against humanity and subjected to Nuremberg-style criminal trials.
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