With an awakened global population and protests breaking out across the world, the globalists know that we know what they are up to. They cannot retreat or they will lose everything, up to and possibly including their heads. They must double down.
What they have planned is global technocracy, a system of dictatorship by “experts,” which include scientists, engineers and bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci. Picture the regimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao augmented by the powers of artificial intelligence, computer algorithms, facial-recognition software and gene-editing programs. Now you are staring into the face of a modern-day technocracy. While many have woken up to the threat, there are still far too many sleeping. To the delight of the global predators of technocracy, these sleep walkers remain stuck in the mire of the worn-out Democrat vs. Republican paradigm. They’re still looking over the horizon to 2022 and 2024, anticipating the arrival of their long-awaited saviors. They completely overlook the importance of now. They do not understand that what occurred on Nov. 3 and Jan. 6 was designed as a coup, a permanent transfer of power away from the people and into the hands of a relative few powerful elites. The only way to reverse this power transfer will be by the sheer force of aggressive human action. I’m not talking about violence. I am talking about a mass resistance of millions standing up and saying “no” to health passports and “no” to dehumanizing masks. Even the vaccinated who care about freedom should refuse to darken the door of any business asking to see a health passport. No politician is going to ride to our rescue in 2022 or 2024. No court is going to step in and right the wrongs. No police agency is going to haul out the guilty parties in handcuffs. It’s too late for that. We must do this ourselves, people. Now. Our GOP politicians are for the most part cowards. They don’t see the urgency of the moment, and even if they did they would be too afraid to do anything about it. A few will speak up and say the right things from time to time, but if words do not translate into actions, if they aren’t giving direction to the awakened masses, telling them when and how to resist, what good are they? Showing up for a Trump rally and going home is not productive. Merely casting votes is no longer productive unless we first take back what was stolen. If anyone doubts the total fecklessness of the Republican Party, all they need to do is look at what went down this week. No less than 19 GOP senators crossed over and voted with Chuck Schumer and the Democrats to pass a $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure. Think about that. Nearly 40 percent of our GOP senators voted with Democrats for a bill loaded with poison pills meant to collapse what’s left of our capitalist economy and usher in the green new deal, Chinese-style smart cities and total digital surveillance. On deck is an amnesty bill granting legal status to more than 30 million illegal migrants and sending the message to future migrants that if you come, you will be granted a path to full U.S. citizenship, no questions asked. This 19-vote cross over disproves the argument that we “lost the Senate” in January because conservative voters in Georgia failed to turn out for two GOP senators in a special election. The truth is we lost the Senate the day GOP senators voted to support globalist bootlicker Mitch McConnell as their leader. In the House we have the equally inept globalist ally Kevin McCarthy. What about the Supreme Court and its six Republican-appointed justices? Can they be trusted? Remember this is the esteemed body that refused to even look at the evidence suggesting massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, citing the laughable excuse that no one, not a single American, had legal standing to bring such a case before them. How dare they even try! The laws and the Constitution are not going to save us because those in charge of applying them lack the courage to stand up to the coup plotters. The police are not going to save us. In the end, they will follow orders. The military? The signs haven’t exactly inspired confidence. The coup that occurred in late 2020 and early 2021 could still be reversed but it won’t happen by the ballot box – not when we have an outside third-party private vendor hiding behind its proprietary software in control of elections in all 50 states. These private vendors are not accountable to we the people, they don’t answer to us, and as long as they are in charge of vote tabulation, nothing will change. This systemic, technology-based vote fraud is not limited to presidential elections. Cyber experts at Mike Lindell’s cyber security symposium, held this week in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, said that in the 2018 race for Kentucky governor, votes were flipped from Republican Matt Bevin to Democrat Andy Beshear, enough to hand Beshear a razor-thin margin of victory. Nor is this just an American problem. Electronic voting machines are used worldwide and controlled by a handful of well-connected global corporations. The successful color revolution in the U.S. triggered a broader global power play that is now in progress. Once-free nations are falling to totalitarianism under the guise of “protecting public health.” This may well mark the end of the age of individual nation states and individual rights, moving into a new age of technocratic globalism, where everyone is expected to fall in line for the benefit of the “global collective good.” Problem is, those defining the terms of what is morally right and good are the same crowd that’s repeatedly said “saving the planet” requires depopulation and less individual freedom. Former Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger typified the elitists’ attitude toward those of us who refuse their masks, their medicines and their social distancing. “No. Screw your freedom,” Schwarzenegger, the son of a Nazi police officer, said to the non-maskers and anti-vaxxers in a recent video interview. If you don’t put on a mask and inject the mandated serum, “You’re a schmuck,” he said. In the above video, Schwarzenegger unknowingly described the modern-day technocracy, where politicians no longer matter. All power and authority has been ceded to “experts” to rule over the ignorant masses who can’t be trusted to make decisions for their own lives. When the new digital currency is rolled out, I believe that will mark the point of no return for nations that join the new monetary system. The pressure to do so will be intense, just as the pressure is intense on individuals to give up sovereignty over their own bodies. This is a spiritual war between good and evil. The initial targets will be traditionally minded Christians and Jews. But make no mistake, this evil system will demand everyone’s allegiance. Why? Because at its core it acts as a cult demanding obedience. Naziism was very similar to today’s technocracy in this regard. In his 2008 book Rise of the Fourth Reich, author Jim Marrs highlighted the spiritual underpinnings of Hitler’s Third Reich. Marrs writes:“Even Hitler acknowledged that Nazi ideology ventured into the spiritual realm, when he stated ‘Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man.”The same inspiration that gave rise to the Third Reich is now fueling the Fourth Reich. This is a battle, unique in history, for who owns our bodies. Your body. My body. Everyone’s body. The globalist mantra of “build it back better” applies not only to economies and social structures but also to humanity itself. These elites truly believe they can deconstruct what it means to be human and rebuild it “better.” They hate God and so they detest the humanity God created in His image. They hate the idea of nations because God ordained the nations. They wish to destroy God-given human instincts like protecting the innocence of children, respect for human life, the nuclear family, compassion for the elderly, etc., and replace them with their satanically inspired values. The digital health passports are the linchpin to the creation of a new beast system of total information domination, where everything you do is tracked and traced and evaluated for its conformity to the global rules. The passports will eventually be connected to the banking system and a new digital currency that will replace cash. You buck the rules, you lose access to your money. Anyone who refuses to live as a digital slave by putting the tracking app on their phone that converts them to a walking QR code, will find themselves targeted for persecution. The stakes couldn’t be bigger. Everything else going on in the world right now is mere noise meant to divert your attention from the real catastrophe being wrought upon mankind. We are in the middle of a mass deconstruction project with the goal being the creation of humanity 2.0 and the reinstitution of slavery. Digital slavery. Don’t be fooled. These injections are anti-God and anti-human, and the pressure being brought to bear on all humanity to accept these shots as a new and continuous part of their lives is unprecedented. This pressure is undeniably coming from the top down, starting at the apex of an evil network that includes the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation and his GAVI Global Alliance, the Soros foundations, the Vatican, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, among others. From there it filters down to the major corporations. This Luciferian cartel of global predators believe they can exploit Covid to reset the entire world system, killing off any resisters and conditioning the ones who were already inclined toward obedience to become their digital serfs. The objective is to turn us against each other and provoke a civil war. We must resist their provocations. The globalists, with no love of any country and a hatred for God, are the enemy. Resist them. Refuse to buy their products, go to their theme parks, don’t watch their Netflix movies or go to their major sporting events, don’t ride on their airplanes when it’s possible to drive, don’t put money in their big banks and use cash whenever possible. And most importantly, say no to the needle. It will not advance your health in any way, not your physical, mental or emotional health. These injections are meant to keep you sick and dependent for the rest of your life on future Big Pharma products, replacing your natural God-given immune system with their synthetic and totally inferior counterfeit immune system. Get it? Your “protection” and your very existence depends on them. Do you really want that for your life, your children’s lives? Read more at: LeoHohmann.com
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