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Reuters is now functioning as the public relations arm for Antifa, all while attacking and defaming heroic U.S. doctors who tell the truth about vaccines and ivermectin
By ethanh // 2021-09-06
The fake news cesspool known as Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa ("antifascists") for their "militant activism" against the "extremist right" in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than "vaccines" to their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients. In the Antifa puff piece, Reuters highlighted the life of an entitled white woman and proud Antifa member who has spent much of her life screaming, yelling and throwing things at people who hold different beliefs than she does. Throughout the course of her privileged life, the woman has been arrested on multiple times for committing blatant acts of violence against "Nazis," meaning conservative people with whom she disagrees. Rather than highlight the woman's threatening existence and obsessive propensity towards violence against people who are not just like her, Reuters instead chose to glorify her as some kind of national hero – as if disgruntled white females with an axe to grind are somehow rare in this country and worthy of placing on a pedestal. Reuters lauded the woman with a several-thousand-word exposé, portraying her life of malcontent as a natural and expected response to the Donald Trump presidency, which has been over for nearly eight months now. Armbruster is apparently upset about the fact that some Americans still support Trump and his politics, which is why she continues to engage in extreme activist behavior whenever the opportunity arises. Because Joe Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) claims that "white supremacy" is somehow the biggest domestic terror threat in our country right now, Reuters ran with the narrative that the woman's participation in the Antifa cult is just what this country needs to stamp out the threat of white people. This apparently constitutes modern-day "journalism."

How many Americans have died because of fake news hit pieces against ivermectin?

Meanwhile, no less than 10 articles about ivermectin currently litter the Reuters website, nearly all of them containing blatant misinformation about how the FDA-approved drug is "dangerous" for treating the Chinese Flu. One of the articles cites pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co., which claims that the anti-parasite drug is not a viable remedy for the Fauci Flu and should not be prescribed for this use. The establishment insists that the only viable remedies for the plandemic are experimental drug injections and face masks, not tried-and-true remedies like ivermectin. "The company said its analysis of existing and emerging studies of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 found no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus," Reuters reported back in February. In another propaganda piece, Reuters falsely called ivermectin an "animal drug," the suggestion being that it is only administered to cattle. Truth be told, ivermectin was developed as a drug for humans long before it was discovered that it also worked in animals. Back in May, Reuters railed on India for widely distributing ivermectin to its population. The fake news outlet cited the World Health Organization (WHO), a politically motivated extension of the United Nations that says using ivermectin to treat the Chinese Virus is not backed by "current evidence." Perhaps if Reuters spent a little more time investigating the scientific merits of ivermectin, and less time casting radical Antifa terrorists as patriotic Americans, more people could receive this life-saving medication and avoid dying from experimental gene therapy, ventilators and other Western medicine quackery. You will find more of the latest news stories about mainstream media deception concerning ivermectin and other politically incorrect remedies for the Wuhan Flu at Sources for this article include: