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Trump still trying to claim credit for deadly covid vaccines that are killing Americans
By ethanh // 2021-10-21
There is a reason why Donald Trump earned for himself the title of "father of the vaccine." Not only does he boastfully call himself this, but Trump continues to tour the media circuit bragging about how he would successfully "convince" more people to take the shots if he were still president instead of Joe Biden. During a recent appearance with Bill O'Reilly, formerly of Fox News, Trump said, "I would sell it to them," referring to his perceived ability to manipulate more unvaccinated people than Biden every could into taking the "Operation Warp Speed" injections. In less than nine months, Trump went on to boast, his administration was able to fast-track three different "vaccines" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) that are now being administered all around the world. "Look, I'm very proud of what we did with the vaccines," Trump told O'Reilly, who now hosts a political news show on The First TV. "It was supposed to take five years," Trump added about the production timeline for the shots, "and they said it wasn't going to work. I did three vaccines in less than nine months and they do work, they work really well." According to Trump, there was "no talk" about a vaccine mandate while he was still president, and not because his administration did not plan to get everyone injected. No, in Trump's mind, there did not need to be a mandate because "everybody wanted the vaccine" under his rule. "Now a lot of people don't want it," Trump went on to lament.

Trump has never once mentioned covid vaccine adverse events

Trump has yet to so much as mention the litany of adverse events that are being reported in conjunction with his shots. Instead, he is focused on trying to take credit for them over Biden. Since the first vaccine trial data to be released came out about a week after he "lost" the 2020 election, Trump's biggest concern right now is that Biden will take credit for their production and release instead of him. Trump wants the world to know that it was he who funneled billions of American taxpayer dollars into Big Pharma's coffers to produce these shots, making a few select pharmaceutical CEOs very wealthy. Biden, meanwhile, has resorted to threatening unvaccinated Americans with punishment if they continue to reject Trump's vaccines, which are not Biden's vaccines, apparently. "Our patience is wearing thin," Biden mumbled during an appearance. "And your refusal (to get injected) has cost all of us." Trump and many other Republican politicians are singing much the same tune about these shots, mainly that they are "safe and effective" and everyone should get them. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats, at least as far as what they are saying vocally about the jabs, is that Republicans would appear to be against vaccine mandates. What good are these empty words, though, when the mandates are going to be imposed by the private sector or by the federal government regardless? And let us not forget that there would be nothing to mandate had Trump not warp-speeded these things through the process, as there would not have been any covid vaccines available for at least another four years. "Trump was put into place to stoke the prospects of civil war," wrote one commenter at Zero Hedge. "To further the division and hatred. All according to the plan to destroy America from within." "Trump was a false hope Trojan Horse," added another, agreeing with the sentiment. More related news about Trump's obsession with covid vaccines and wanting to take credit for them can be found at Sources for this article include: