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FDA ordered Google to remove covid videos from YouTube because agency didn't like their message
By ethanh // 2021-12-12
It has come to light that back in April, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a letter to a Google lobbyist demanding that a slew of videos on YouTube about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) be censored and removed because the federal agency did not approve of their content. The FDA's director of social media, Brad Kimberly, complained about "misinformation" in the videos that detracted from the White House's position concerning the plandemic. One of the videos talked about a monoclonal antibody treatment, which some people are using as a treatment for Chinese Germs. "Overall, the video is very problematic when it comes to COVID misinformation," Kimberly wrote in the letter about the video promoting monoclonal antibodies. "This video should [emphasis added] be pulled." The recipient of this email was Google lobbyist Jan Fowler Antonaros, who apparently did not initially comply with the demand. However, the video in question was later removed by someone over at Google. "How often the FDA has made other censorship demands is unknown, because the agency is apparently hiding the existence of its efforts in response to Freedom of Information Act requests," warned Alex Berenson on his Substack about this issue. Berenson himself asked the FDA and several other government agencies back in October to disclose both their internal discussions about him, as well as their communications with social media companies like Twitter and YouTube. "On Nov. 30, the FDA responded it had found some emails about me – mainly in response to questions I had asked in April and May for a story about VAERS, the federal vaccine adverse events reporting system," Berenson reported. "But FDA said it could not find any emails between its officials and social media companies that met my request."

Is the FDA actively threatening Big Tech to remove "offensive" content?

Interestingly, it was Berenson who appears to have accidentally received the email between Kimberly and Antonaros, which was mysteriously attached to the bottom of this email response from the FDA. "... at the bottom of the emails containing the agency's discussions about me was the email between Kimberly and Antonaros – apparently attached there by accident, as it had nothing to do with me," Berenson explained. The monoclonal antibody in question, known as leronlimab, had been under development by a small drug outfit called CytoDyn that currently trades at around $1 a share. "CytoDyn has repeatedly touted leronlimab, but clinical trial results suggest the drug is useless against Covid," Berenson said. In May, the FDA released its own statement about leronlimab stating that "the data currently available do not support the clinical benefit of leronlimab for the treatment of COVID-19," adding that it had no plans to approve the drug. Why Kimberly cared so much about this unapproved drug that he decided to contact Google and demand removal of YouTube videos about it remains unknown. It is not as though anyone in the general public has access to it, after all. The video itself also never touted anything about leronlimab. It did not suggest that the drug is any kind of cure for the Fauci Flu, only that it had potential and may receive approval from the FDA. Even YouTube, upon initial review, did not find that the video in any way violated the platform's terms of service. And yet the FDA's pounce patrol wanted it gone, which begs the question: How many other videos did the FDA play a role in getting removed from YouTube? "The covid addiction in the pursuit of safeguarding our health will end up destroying all our freedom," warned one of Berenson's readers. "It is now an obsession, a very dangerous obsession." More of the latest news about Chinese Virus deception and censorship can be found at Sources for this article include: