Synthetic biology is going to remake the world. The tools available to scientists today create the vast potential to do great good or great harm. – Lt Col Marcus A. Cunningham, USAF, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Fall 2020A part of Schwab’s vision appears to be his insane iteration of “synthetic biology,” which has been described as “designing and constructing biological modules, biological systems, and biological machines or, re‐design of existing biological systems for useful purposes.” In essence, Synthetic Biology is an umbrella term that includes a bizarre fringe obsession with transhumanism, or the “fusion of human beings with technology”. A shocking November 2020 article posted at LifeSite News features Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny, a Professor of Science, Technology and Innovation at the Universidad de San Martín de Porres in Peru. The professor was quoted as explaining that the Fourth Industrial Revolution “is nothing other than the implementation of transhumanism on a global level.” Indeed, in this 2016 clip, Schwab states that this “Fourth Industrial Revolution” will “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities:” Schwab goes into more detail here, explaining that this “physical, digital and biological” fusion will come as chips are ultimately embedded into our brains: Schwab’s vision is so outrageous that he should obviously be dismissed outright as a kook. But instead, the self proclaimed global elites eagerly attend Schwab’s conferences and sign up to be “Young Global Leaders”. If the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is Klaus Schwab’s vision to remake global humanity and the economy, then the launchpad is the “Great Reset.” The vehicle for the Great Reset, of course, is the coronavirus pandemic. Read more at:
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