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Tom Renz: THERE AREN'T ANY true leaders in Congress fighting for conservatives in America – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-07-21
Ohio-based lawyer Tom Renz lamented the lack of true leaders fighting for the conservative movement in the halls of Congress. "There are no true leaders, no patriots that are fighting for the conservative movement," he said during the July 18 episode of "Lawfare with Tom Renz" on Brighteon.TV. According to him, only a handful of lawmakers are doing their job while the rest are pandering. Renz blasted Republican members of Congress for not pushing the articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden and raising the debt ceiling with no limits on spending. He also zoomed in on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for failing to release the Jan. 6 event tapes. Absolute corruption is happening on every level, Renz said, and legislators are just releasing or doing things without any follow-up. He continued: "They get the headlines and then they disappear." Given this, Renz emphasized the need for Americans to retake the Republican Party – starting with holding some of its leaders accountable. The "Lawfare" host noted that some GOP leader are concerned about the possible attacks or political backlash they would get if they did anything legitimate. It is definitely an issue when some outspoken GOP leaders are doing nothing, and the people should call them out on it. Renz also blasted the Republicans in name only (RINOs) who lie, pretend to do something good and do everything they can to screw their constituents. To fix the GOP, Americans need to remove all the RINOs in both chambers of Congress.

Renz: Calls to investigate Fauci will do nothing

The "Lawfare" host also mentioned the proposed investigation on infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, which is being pushed by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). According to Renz, the Kentucky senator asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to probe Fauci is a waste of time. (Related: If Republicans take the Senate, Sen. Rand Paul could lead “Nuremberg 2.0” investigation into COVID crimes.) According to the Western Journal, Paul announced the move in a July 17 tweet. The senator wrote: "I've referred Fauci to the Department of Justice again for lying to Congress when he denied the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan." Paul's referral came in the form of a letter addressed to Garland, which quoted Fauci's testimony during a 2021 Senate hearing. Renz pointed out that the senator for the Bluegrass State is obfuscating and "playing a political game." Paul's exhortation to investigate Fauci for perjuring before Congress doesn't accomplish anything and is only tantamount to meaningless drivel. "There's no need for an investigation, and [Paul is] not calling for an indictment. He is calling for an investigation," the "Lawfare" host stressed. "It's not going to result in any sort of indictment. It's going to do nothing. You don't need to investigate whether [Fauci] perjured himself. He did – that's about as clear as day." Renz then wondered why Paul did not call for an investigation into the Department of Defense (DoD) funding the creation of SARS-CoV-2. According to the Brighteon.TV host, both the DoD and NIH continue to fund gain-of-function work on deadly viruses. Visit for more stories like this. Watch the July 18 episode of "Lawfare with Tom Renz" below. "Lawfare with Tom Renz" airs every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.-12 pm.. and every Saturday at 12:30-1 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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