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FBI director warns that AI is being used to amplify terrorist propaganda
By oliviacook // 2023-10-25
Christopher Wray, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has warned that artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to amplify terrorist propaganda. He issued this warning during the Oct. 17 summit of the Five Eyes alliance held in California. According to the FBI director, terrorist groups have reconfigured AI to remove safeguards blocking the malicious activities. "We've seen AI being used to essentially amplify the distribution or dissemination of terrorist propaganda," Wray said during the summit, which was hosted by former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. According to him, terrorist groups have also attempted to "circumvent safeguards built into AI infrastructure" that could allow them to, for instance, search how to build a bomb or how to conceal searches on how to build a bomb. "The use of AI in a way that if it's sophisticated enough to create potential deep fakes is something that adds a level of threat to that we haven’t previously encountered – a threat we're on the lookout for given an existing strategy by hostile nations could become more dangerous." Ken McCallum, the director general of the British Security Service (MI5), agreed with the remarks of the FBI director. Just like Wray, he noted how terrorist groups can "jailbreak" these built-in safeguards. "If you are experienced in security, you would be unwise to rely on these controls remaining impregnable," said the MI5 head. "So, there is clear risk that some of these systems can be used [and] put to uses that their makers do not intend." (Related: Luciferian leftists are teaching AI systems to push antichrist propaganda.) Composed of five English-speaking countries – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and the U.S. – the Five Eyes alliance was formally founded in the aftermath of the Second World War through a multi-lateral agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence (SIGINT), known as the 1948 UKUSA Agreement. The conference focused on the launch of an international partnership that seeks innovative responses to developing intelligence threats, particularly in the face of new technology such as AI generative platforms.

Five Eyes summit zooms in on China's IP theft

Moreover, the summit zoomed in on China's intellectual property theft – with leaders of the Five Eyes alliance warning of Beijing's "sophisticated" schemes. Wray dubbed China the "biggest threat" to the five countries' innovation, and said the communist country is running one of the largest hacking operations. He added that China is using joint ventures, startups, students and employees placed in Western companies to "steal" vital information on artificial intelligence, biometrics, quantum computing and robotics, among other leading technologies. "There is no greater threat to innovation than the Chinese government and it is a measure of how seriously the five of us in our services take that threat," said the FBI director. According to Wray, the FBI has seen about a "1,300 percent increase" in investigations over the past several years pertaining "to attempts to steal intellectual property or other secrets by some form of the Chinese government, or some arm of the Chinese government." Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) Director-General Mike Burgess said of Beijing: "All nations spy, steal secrets and seek strategic advantage – but the Chinese government’s behavior goes well beyond traditional espionage." He noted that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) engages in the most sustained scale and sophisticated theft of intellectual property and acquisition of expertise that is unprecedented in human history. "That threat needs to be drawn out, awareness raised and together we can all do something about it. And this summit is about how we work with our partners together, and in the tech sector and innovation sector, so they can better be placed to identify and manage those risks effectively," said Burgess. David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), said: "The CCP has passed legislation to force any person of Chinese origin anywhere in the world to support their intelligence services. It means they have a way to coerce people here in our countries to essentially tell them, to give them the secrets." Visit for more stories about AI and its dangers. Watch this conversation between Maria Zeee and Dr. Jason Dean about the plan to subjugate humans under AI. This video is from the Tanjerea channel on

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