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Tucker Carlson: "Criminal" politicians, NGOs are intentionally allowing MIGRANT INVASION to happen
By arseniotoledo // 2023-10-19
Tucker Carlson has warned that "criminals" are allowing the massive migrant invasion through the U.S.'s southern border, pointing out how these criminals – politicians and leaders of non-government organizations – "must be punished." Carlson said this on the 30th episode of his program "Tucker on X," which came out on Oct. 13. In this episode he exposed how the migrant invasion has been unfolding. (Related: MIGRANT INVASION: Biden administration has let in over 4 MILLION ILLEGALS since January 2021.) He lamented how the American nation is changing "faster than it ever has," but that this is not occurring by any "democratic means." Rather, this massive change is being perpetrated "by force, through waves of mass immigration that not a single American voted for." "What's happening is a crime," Carlson said. "It violates both federal law and the core precepts of democracy, that citizens get to govern their own country."

"Criminals" letting migrant invasion happen to rig the election

Carlson said this massive tide of illegal immigrants coming through the border represents "election rigging on a mass scale," warning how the politicians and NGOs who stand to benefit from the wave of illegals coming in could use their presence as a way to pad their flagging support in the polls. The host added that this desire to rig the elections through the use of illegal immigrants is fueled by what he called "anti-White racial hostility." "That is not a guess," he said. "The people doing it say so out loud. They brag about it. They are criminals. They must be punished for what they have done." Carlson warned that Republicans both in Congress and in border states like Texas are unable to do much to prevent this crisis while President Joe Biden controls the White House. He pointed this out while showing a clip of illegal immigrants crossing the border into El Paso, Texas. "Democrats cheer it on. They know that America will soon be a one-party state, and they'll be in charge. Immigration is the reason," he continued. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has been in a legal battle with the Biden administration for weeks now over the barriers state border agencies have erected along the U.S.-Mexico border to reduce or deter illegal immigration. Biden has responded to these obstacles by ordering Border Patrol agents to remove them and allowing the illegal immigrants to safely enter Texas. Between October 2021 and August 2022, Customs and Border Protection reported some 2.2 million unsanctioned crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border. From October 2022 to August 2023, Border Patrol recorded over 1.8 million encounters. In August alone, Border Patrol reported that over 181,000 illegal crossings had occurred along the border. "Democrats are power-drunk nihilists," concluded Carlson. "Republicans elected to hold them in check are, unfortunately, dishonest cowards." Learn more about the migrant invasion at Watch this Oct. 13 episode of "Tucker on X" as Tucker Carlson warns about how the people responsible for letting the border crisis happen should be charged as criminals and "punished accordingly." This video is from the News and Current Events channel on

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