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CNN calls for "carbon passports" to control human movement: "It's time to limit how often we can travel abroad"
By ethanh // 2023-12-19
Fears about a warming planet have prompted CNN to issue a travel advisory to Americans: stop flying abroad or the planet will melt. A recent CNN article by Ross Bennett-Cook proposes the issuance of "carbon passports" to regulate how often Americans are allowed to travel internationally before their "footprint" exceeds whatever arbitrary limits the globalist billionaires decide are necessary for their human slave herd. Bennett-Cook says Americans should start voluntarily limiting their travels even now without carbon passports because eventually it will be a requirement, or so he says. "Holidaymakers should prepare to change their travel habits now, before this change is forced upon them," Bennett-Cook writes. "The negative impacts of tourism on the environment have become so severe that some are suggesting drastic changes to our travel habits are inevitable." (Related: As the grand solar minimum takes over, expect "severe cold and food shortages" the closer the world gets to 2030.)

You will own and do nothing and be happy

Bennett-Cook cited a report looking at the future of so-called "sustainable" travel. It concluded that a carbon passport of the kind Bennett-Cook is proposing will eventually become a reality if the tourism industry hopes to survive. In the new "green" world order, poor people will be heavily restricted in everything they do, say and eat. The rich, conversely, will still be jaunting around in their private jets gorging on the finest steaks, caviar and other delicacies. A carbon passport would assign each individual traveler a certain yearly allowance of travel credits that cannot be exceeded. The assigned allowances would essentially "ration" people's travel to ensure that the carbon footprint of the planet remains under a certain level. In the United States, the average annual carbon footprint per person is 16 tons, one of the highest in the world. The United Kingdom clocks in at 11.7 tons, which is still more than five times the figure recommended by the Paris Agreement. "... the average global carbon footprint needs to drop to under two tons by 2050," Bennett-Cook writes. "This figure equates to around two roundtrip flights between London and New York." By the year 2040, travel agent Intrepid Travel predicts that carbon passports will be fully implemented. Ticket prices to fly overseas will be notably higher by then as well, having to increase by 1.4 percent every year in order to achieve climate targets. Some European countries are already moving in this direction, including Belgium which increased taxes on short-haul flights earlier this year. The goal is to deter non-billionaires from flying and to seek alternative forms of travel such as bus or train. In France, short-haul domestic flights are banned whenever the same trip can be made by train in two-and-a-half hours or less. Spain, we are told, is planning to follow suit. Germany is another European country that appears to be on board with the climate agenda. A YouGov poll supposedly found that 70 percent of Germans support similar restrictions on short-haul travel to fight global warming if alternative methods of traveling, i.e., trains or ships, are available. The irony of pushing everyday people to take boats rather than airplanes whenever possible to fight climate change is the fact that cruise ships pump four times more sulfuric gas into the atmosphere than airplanes. "Let's substitute carbon passports for all diplomatic passports," wrote a commenter in opposition to green tyranny. "How should this be named: Asinine Earth-Saving Proposal No. 79? Or is the number much higher?" joked another. "I am against anything that gives the government more power or authority over me," wrote another. Man-made climate change is a myth. Learn more at Sources for this article include: