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Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt and Trent Loos touch on the dangers of CO2 pipelines – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-10-19
The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt and Trent Loos of the Loos Tales blog touched on the dangers of carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines on the Oct. 11 episode of the Brighteon.TV program "Merritt Medical Hour." Merritt, a former Navy physician and surgeon, noted that people who own land are speaking out against the CO2 pipelines as they are a threat. She recounted one incident in a Mississippi town where a CO2 pipeline explosion endangered its residents. Loos had also been familiar with the February 2022 incident in the town of Satartia, telling Merritt that emergency response vehicles sent to the scene froze up. (Related: CO2 "capture" pipeline EXPLODES, sending 49 to hospital and nearly killing entire town through carbon dioxide ASPHYXIATION.) According to Loos, a sixth-generation farmer, people are being told that CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere. It also needs to be captured from coal-fired power plants and ethanol plants. "Nothing could be farther from the truth," he told Merritt. "Now, here's why we're supposed to do that. Because we are in the middle of this 'climate crisis,' and CO2 is holding heat in and causing these global warming issues that we hear about every day in the news." "The problem is … in fact, we are back in a cooling period. And we have had significantly less volatile weather in the past 50 years compared to going back 200 years and beyond." Loos also mentioned the use of CO2 as a killing agent, citing how CO2 chambers have been used to euthanize turkeys, pigs and chickens. He also recounted the August 1986 Lake Nyos disaster, which was caused by a natural limnic eruption. The eruption of dissolved CO2 from the waters of the lake, located in the West African nation of Cameroon, resulted in the deaths of 1,746 people and 3,500 heads of livestock. Moreover, the Nebraska rancher also cited people on the scene who saw dead animals but no flies and insects. This, according to him, shows how dangerous a CO2 buildup can be and why people should all be concerned.

Carbon dioxide fuels plant growth

Meanwhile, the Medical Rebel noted that the current CO2 level in the Earth affects plant growth. Currently, CO2 levels are at 419 parts per million (ppm) – way below the critical level of 461 ppm. "We should not be taking CO2 out of the atmosphere," she said. "We should be adding it if we want plants to grow more. If people really want to feed the world, they need to let CO2 come up." Loos agreed, saying that this is exactly what people built greenhouses for. "We grow plants in greenhouses, and we add CO2 for added growth," he told Merritt. "The other thing that's really interesting about CO2 and plants [is] that CO2 fuels plant growth, it fuels photosynthesis, producing oxygen. And because there's a more available supply of CO2, the plant actually requires less water. So, you can produce more plant growth and fruit from whatever plant you're growing with less water." Elsewhere in the program, Loos also shared some positive updates in the form of state agencies rejecting CO2 pipeline proposals. In August, the North Dakota Public Service Commission rejected the application of Summit Carbon Solutions (SCS) for a pipeline to an injection site in the Peace Garden State. In September, the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission denied the application filed by SCS and its partner Navigator CO2 to build pipelines in the state. Aside from this, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) – which is under the Department of Transportation – sent a letter to every single county with regard to this issue. According to Loos, the letter assured that the federal government won't intervene and local governments will decide what is best for their communities. "We have had five pipelines rejected because the safety mechanism is clearly a problem, and we've had zero permitted. Every person, whether they own land or not, needs to understand what's going on with this CO2 pipeline." Visit for more stories about CO2 pipelines. Watch the Oct. 11 episode of the "Merritt Medical Hour" below. The "Merritt Medical Hour" airs every Wednesday at 7-8 p.m. and Saturday at 2-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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